- Dr. Venkat is a Postdoc in Pharmaceutics from US and served as Professor in faculty of pharmacy, Kakatiya University for 16 years.
- Dr. Venkateshwarlu joined in Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Hyderabad in 2005 and involved in the development of both generic and differentiated products. He was Vice-President heading formulation development ,bio-studies and packaging functions before starting this company.
- His expertise in multi functions of product development lead to significant number of filings during this period. He is a renowned scientist in the areas of nanotechnology, NDDS and BA/BE studies.
- He guided several PhD students and post graduates and published about 75 research papers in both National & International peer reviewed journals.
- Developed 505 (b)(2) products and platform technologies and patented several inventions.
- Dr. Venkateswarlu is an expert in bio-studies also and acquired practical knowledge in in-vitromodels development and IVIVC/R relationship models for bio success.